• News, Poll release
New Poll Finds Most App Drivers Not Informed and at Risk of Missing Out on Healthcare Benefits Promised Under Prop. 22
SEIU 721 Poll Finds Most App Drivers Unaware and Uninformed about Healthcare Benefits Promised Under Proposition 22
Recent survey research among gig workers finds app drivers eligible to “opt in” for benefits under Prop 22 are largely unaware of and uninformed about how to apply for and receive the health care stipend offered by gig companies like Uber, Lyft, DoorDash and Postmates under the measure. These drivers report receiving little information from the companies which would provide the stipend and little sense of how to receive the health care benefit. This means that many app drivers risk missing out on this benefit that the gig companies offered as part of Prop 22.
This survey research was conducted by Tulchin Research working with SEIU 721 among a random sample of gig workers in California. The results have been analyzed and presented by Tulchin Research with the purpose of gaining insights about the awareness app drivers have for their eligibility to receive the health care stipend. We provide details in the memo linked below.
Read the full press release here.
Read the full polling memo here.