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New Polling Finds Sanders Defeating Trump in Industrial Battleground States
Tulchin Research recently conducted statewide surveys among likely November 2020 general election voters in the crucial presidential battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania in order to assess the political environment and Senator Bernie Sanders’s ability to defeat Donald Trump in a general election match-up in these states. Given that these three states were key to Trump’s Electoral College victory in 2016 and will likely be crucial battlegrounds again in 2020, whomever becomes the Democratic nominee must be able to compete in and win them. The data clearly demonstrates that Donald Trump can be beaten and that Bernie Sanders can defeat him.
In line with other public polling, we find that Sanders currently leads Trump well outside of the margin of error in head-to-head polling in all three of these industrial battleground states that were key to Trump’s upset win and effectively put him in the White House. The polls find that voters believe Sanders has better leadership qualities than Trump, that they strongly prefer Sanders’s approach on key issues like education and healthcare including supporting his plan for Medicare For All, and that Sanders demonstrates significant resilience and continues to lead Trump even following a simulated general election campaign in which Sanders is attacked.
For the full polling memo, click here.
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