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Tulchin Research is Officially Bernie Sanders' Pollster
Exciting news here at Tulchin Research, we are officially a part of Bernie Sanders’ Presidential Campaign! Please check out the links below of recent media coverage detailing our work with Bernie’s campaign as well as his official campaign website. Here at Tulchin research we are #feelingthebern!
New York Time’s Article- Bernie Sanders Hires Pollster Who Worked on Dean Campaign
“Mr. Sanders’s campaign, flush with cash from low-dollar donors, has hired a pollster of its own, his senior adviser Tad Devine confirmed. Mr. Sanders has brought on Ben Tulchin, who polled for Howard Dean, the insurgent Democratic presidential candidate of the 2004 cycle.”
Yahoo News Live-Debate day-after: Sanders raises cash, Clinton camp pleased
“In another sign of its maturing operation, the campaign has hired Democratic pollster Ben Tulchin, whose past clients have included former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, who ran for president in 2004, former California Gov. Gray Davis and Sen. Patty Murray of Washington state.”
Bernie Sander’s Official Campaign Website