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New National Poll Finds Strong Support for Endangered Species Act
While the Endangered Species Act is currently under attack by corporate special interests and their allies in Washington, a new national survey finds a broad-based national consensus on the value of and need for this landmark environmental safeguard.
Tulchin Research recently conducted a survey among 600 registered voters nationwide on behalf of the Defenders of Wildlife and Earthjustice. Our poll finds that nine out of ten voters (90%) support the law – including a majority (53%) who say they strongly support it – and that support extends across the country, across all demographic groups, and across the political spectrum. In today’s highly polarized political environment, it is notable that the Endangered Species Act is supported by overwhelming majorities of self-identified liberals (96% support), moderates (94%), and conservatives (82%). Additionally, the poll finds 68 percent of registered voters indicating they would be more likely to vote for a member of Congress “who supports environmental safeguards such as the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Air Act, and the Clean Water Act,” while just 10 percent say they would be less likely to vote for that member.
You can read the full news release from Defenders of Wildlife and Earthjustice here and read our poll memo here .