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New National Survey Results: Public Demands Anti-Corruption Measures
New National Poll Conducted by Tulchin Research and MFour Strategies for Represent.us Shows Broad Support For Reducing Corruption, Including Through Campaign Finance Reform
Numerous public and private polls have already documented a growing feeling of alienation and disenfranchisement among American voters, and the erosion of confidence in Congress. This poll attempts to understand the cause of – and potential solutions to – this growing dissatisfaction by measuring current voter attitudes toward money and corruption in politics, and testing alternative campaign funding and anti-corruption solutions.
The results are compelling.
While many national polls seeking to understand America’s deep dissatisfaction with our government show a moderate to deep divide along party and ideological lines, this poll suggests overwhelming consensus amongst Democrats, Republicans, Independents and non-affiliated voters around the issue of corruption in the American election system and the need to institute tough, meaningful reforms.
The poll suggests now may be the most opportune time in modern history to toughen the nation’s campaign finance laws and restore an electoral system that voters agree has been soured by big money and political corruption
The Represent.Us poll was conducted Nov. 12 to 17, 2013 by polling firms MFour Strategies and Tulchin Research and surveyed 1,003 likely U.S. voters. The poll was administered using an online format and adapted for voters using Apple and Android-based smartphones. The sample was controlled and weighted to reflect U.S. voter demographics.The margin of error for the overall sample was +/- 3.5 percentage points.
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