• Blog, Poll release
New California statewide bipartisan poll: Whitman's lead slipping, Campbell leading
With a month before California’s primary election in June, a recent survey, sponsored by Capitol Weekly and conducted as a bipartisan effort between Tulchin Research and Probolsky Research, reveals shifting dynamics in key statewide races.
Former Rep. Tom Campbell has opened up a double-digit lead over his two rivals for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination, while Meg Whitman maintains a wide margin over Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner in the GOP gubernatorial battle.
The results were part of a new Capitol Weekly/Probolsky Research poll conducted by Republican pollster Adam Probolsky with Democratic pollster Ben Tulchin in consultation. The complete survey is available here.
Whitman, a billionaire and former CEO of eBay, maintains a 28-point lead over Poizner, smaller than her lead in recent public polls. Whitman was the choice of 47 percent of likely Republican primary voters to Poizner’s 19 percent. More than one-third of Republican primary voters say they are still undecided, according to the survey.