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Californians Back "Medicare for All" Solution
A new California statewide poll conducted by Tulchin Research on behalf of the California Nurses Association finds overwhelming, broad-based support for the Healthy California Act (S.B. 562), which would establish a “Medicare for All” like system of universal health coverage for Golden State residents.
While California voters are nearly unanimous (89%) in believing that our healthcare system needs reform, they strongly reject the plan supported by Donald Trump and recently passed by House Republican – with 59% saying they oppose the American Health Care Act (AHCA) to just 32% who support it. Instead, voters overwhelmingly support moving to a single-payer system of universal health coverage, with more than 7 in 10 (72%) saying they support expanding Medicare to provide health insurance to every American.
But Californians aren’t willing to wait for Washington. Based on a basic description of the Healthy California Act, 70% of voters say they back this effort to establish a state-based single-payer system to 22% who oppose it. Attracting majority support from across the political spectrum, the bill is backed by 79% of Democrats, 72% of independents, and 53% of Republicans.
As California legislators consider voting on the Healthy California Act, they should take note not only of the bill’s strong popular support but also of new evidence finding it would result in enormous cost savings. A report this week by economists at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst finds the plan could save Californians $37.5 billion annually in healthcare costs – even as it extends coverage to the state’s 3 million currently uninsured residents.
Read the full memo here: Healthy California Act Survey public memo 5-17 final
Read about it around the web:
The Mercury News – Universal health plan would save Californians $37 billion annually, study says
Common Dreams – New Analysis Shows ‘Medicare for All’ Can Cover Everyone While Cutting Costs
Highland Community News – New Poll: 70% of Californians Support CA Medicare for All Bill